
Showing posts from July, 2021

Canadian Work Permit Consultants In Edmonton. Choice Immigration Services

  Canada is one of those countries which pay handsome hourly amount even to unskilled workers. And skilled workers are leveraging handsome packages with Canadian employers. The country has been very welcoming to those who want to enter Canada with work permit. This is one of many reasons why people from abroad want to work in Canada. What do you need to know about Canadian Work Permit? There are two types of work permits in Canada: Employer-Specific Work Permit & Open Work Permit. Employer-Specific Work Permi t :  If you enter Canada through an employer-specific work permit, your employer is required to fulfill certain criteria and either give you an employment offer or a copy of labor market impact assessment. You can know more about this with the help of  Work Permit Consultants in Edmonton . Open Work Permit:  This type of permit, on the other hand, offers your more flexibility and privileges to enter and work in Canada. If you have open permit, you ca...

What’s the difference between “Landed Immigration” & “Canadian Citizenship”?

  Your Canadian Citizenship and your status as a “landed immigrant” or “Canadian Permanent Resident” are two different things. When we say landed immigrant, we mean all the rights, privileges, and responsibilities that come along each status. While you might find many similarities based on the rights and privileges, there is whole lot of differences as well. In this blog post, we have taken our time to explore these differences and clear the air for you. Landed Immigrant or Permanent Resident Status Landed Immigrant is an ou t dated term that is used to refer to one’s status as a permanent resident. The term ‘landed immigrant’ is still used widely, but people now like to refer it as “Permanent Resident of Canada” According to what’s explained in IRCC’s glossary, a person who has moved/immigrated to Canada meeting all the legal requirement, but is not a citizen of Canada yet can be referred to as “landed immigrant” or “permanent resident”. If someone wants to apply for the per...